
Sunday 13 March 2011

The Rocky Beginnings of 104's First Project

As Per Requested by the tutors I'll start by stating the more important Information first:
- My 3 words are Currently Mechanical, Rigid and Pointy.
- I will post the precedent images when I can get some jpgs of them.
- Finally I will also post up some pictures on my progress too.

Project Journal
So on Tuesday the 8th my studio stream started our 1st project. The first few steps were simple - find a couple of images to take inspiration from while coming up with 3 words to describe what you were drawing from them, then when you had done this you could then start to create a 3D variation of the images you had found.
Absolutely Simple!

Why then did it take so long to do this for me? Ideally we were meant to find these images before the studio started, so we could hit solid works right away. Since I was far to busy lazing about I didn't do this, so I spent the first hour of the studio having to find something on the internet. Eventually I found this:

President Image 1

Awesome! now we're rollin. With this image I spent the rest of the studio working to outline the bird in Solidworks and at the very end I had manage to create this:

At this point I was feeling pretty ambitious, so much so I decided with the next lesson to try and make a proper 3d image of the bird as I wasn't completely satisfied with my 2D sketch that had just been extruded from the page...

So fast forward to that next lesson and this is what I accomplished during that session:

Why Isn't this working???

So with the birds head, the very first object I decided to make I should note, I found that I couldnt create its basic shape, instead all I managed to do was extrude this flat triangle shape that I then couldn't modify to make it look anywhere near what it was suppose to be like. When I asked one of the tutors this was my response:

So for the rest of that studio lesson I tried in vane to create the correct shape for the head but I ended up conceding to the fact that I needed more experience before trying to tackle tougher things like this. I still wasn't really happy with my 2D bird so I decided to restart.

Continued later
During this blog post I was listening to:
Pendulum - Propane Nightmares
Check it Out

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