
Monday 28 March 2011

81 Copi - er -Iterations : >

So on saturday I installed 3DS Max onto my PC and jumped right into churning out the 81 billion required iterations for this project. I quickly became friends with the Modify menu and the first 20 were done fairly quickly:

I tried to tackle the Polygon Free-forming methods and completely failed, i think its simply because i beveled the edges making it harder to for new surfaces. I decided to  keep them as a representation that I tried and then I went back to the Modify list where I still exploring new ways to mess up my 3d image:

Things are getting pretty interesting. After a while I figured out that there were only about a dozen simple Modifiers that I could seem to use, but there are so many different combinations:

I managed to create 60 Iterations before the end of the week and I finished all 81 of them in the next studio. These last shapes were really interesting to create, they were becoming unreconisable. I also checked with a tutor whether I was ok that I didn't free form any of them much and they said it was ok which was reassuring:

Finally it took another studio lesson to neatly order them (colouring the original blue) and choose the final Iteration I would go with (marked red),  with abit of time spare to start playing around with lighting:

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