
Sunday 27 March 2011

Project 104 Continued

So having decided I was completely unsatisfied with my mechanical bird 3D image I once again set out on a campaign to find new inspirational images. At this point I knew I still liked the idea of making something that looked mechanical, refined and steampunkish.

Words: Gismo, Rigid, Spins

I was googling alot phrases that revolved around mechanical components and eventaully I Stumbled upon these:

I thought it was a good start and kept looking - by accident I came across tribal art that were themed around mechanical compositions:

These new pieces sparked a new idea, why not come up with something that looks like some kind of mysterious alien technology?

Words Artifact, Alien, Vex

I considered these questions as I customised the images in photoshop for Solidworks. Eventually I ended up with following the 2nd draft:

I figured this would work really well with the method that we use to construct our 3D images in Solidworks.

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