
Sunday 27 March 2011

Devil in the Details

 So my words are:
Artifact - An object produced or shaped by human craft, especially a tool, weapon, or ornament of archaeological or historical interest.
Alien - A creature from outer space.
Vex - To cause perplexity in; puzzle.

I soon came to realised that I had created an image that could potentially be to complex to sketch in Solidworks but my worries were for nothing as eventually during the next  studio session I managed to complete it without to many problems.

I noticed that during this session I became alot more proficient at sketching in Solidworks but at the same time I learnt that next time I should of made my photoshop drawing more symetrical and used center lines to produce a better sketch. Finally I got a chance to Extrude it and check it out on 3Ds Max and here are the results:

Just by chance I had beveled a few of the edges in solidworks and because of this I immediately noticed the difference between the beveled and hard edges in 3DS Max. Thus this triggered the perfectionist in me and I decided to bevel all the edges.

At first I thought this would be simple, hoping that there would be a function to bevel all the edges at once, but I soon figured out that wasnt the case and I spent 2 hours doing it manually. Was it worth the work? I think so, but here is a comparison for you to judge:

During all this the lecturer and tutors pointed out to me that I was behind everyone else. So I decided to work during the weekend to create all my Iterations

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