
Monday 9 May 2011

Project 2 Model construction

My laser cutting was delayed and this was due to two hic-ups. One hic-up was with the tutor who didn't know that I had sent my revised cutout vector to the lecturer. The other hic-up was after they finally got it they pointed out that I had gotten my line colours mixed up (woops, stupid me) fortunately they weren't to phased by that mistake and later, on Wednesday I got finally got my cutout.

That very evening I assembled it and this is how it turned out:

Rough picture

I unfortunately found out that it wasn't completely perfect and that my Cutout vector was flawed. As a result of this I ended up assembling it differently to how I originally planned but thankfully it still resembled the original design somewhat.

The main difference is that I got the slot sizes of the gear and ring cutouts and the proportion of the 2 stand alone gears at the top and bottom wrong. As a result of the slot sizes I couldn't refit the gear back into the ring with the curls fitted in but fortunately the gears were the right size to fit in the slots where the other 2 wrongly proportioned gears were meant to fit. So I decided to do this and while I managed to fit everything all together I accidentally broke 3 curls.

I contemplated talking to the lecturer about revising the cutout vector again but fell ill before the hand in and when I did approach him on my imperfect design he seemed to think it was fine the way it is. So I felt content with that assurance.

Final Laser Cut Model Picture

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