
Friday 13 May 2011

Project 2 Summary

So these are the Final Submission pictures for this Project:

This angle seemed to be the only
good angle to photograph
Same angle simply because it looked
the best

Monday 9 May 2011

Project 2 Rendering!

So the rendering was a pretty straight forward process to me seeing as the model is made up of very simple shapes, it was just abit time consuming.

First I had to save the shapes as jpgs from the revised final cutout:

hmmm - the lines are abit to
fine to see from the thumb tabs

But it made it easier to
sketch in Solidworks
They are fine if you open them
up though

Then I used the pictures to sketch over in solid works, creating the 3D shape files for 3DS:

After that I had to merge them all and start organising them to create my model:

 Finally I to prepare the model for the rendered shot (background, material, lighting, etc, etc..) and here is the final Results:

2nd render - better...

So I started with this background

First render - hmm I think I can do better

During the presentation I was told to get a simpler background:

New simpler Starry Background!
Hmm.. Still not working

I realised that the starry space backgrounds weren't working at all and I decided to find something completely different:
OH! this is looking better

Ok lets try this..

Aha! This is great

So this became my final Render.

Project 2 Model construction

My laser cutting was delayed and this was due to two hic-ups. One hic-up was with the tutor who didn't know that I had sent my revised cutout vector to the lecturer. The other hic-up was after they finally got it they pointed out that I had gotten my line colours mixed up (woops, stupid me) fortunately they weren't to phased by that mistake and later, on Wednesday I got finally got my cutout.

That very evening I assembled it and this is how it turned out:

Rough picture

I unfortunately found out that it wasn't completely perfect and that my Cutout vector was flawed. As a result of this I ended up assembling it differently to how I originally planned but thankfully it still resembled the original design somewhat.

The main difference is that I got the slot sizes of the gear and ring cutouts and the proportion of the 2 stand alone gears at the top and bottom wrong. As a result of the slot sizes I couldn't refit the gear back into the ring with the curls fitted in but fortunately the gears were the right size to fit in the slots where the other 2 wrongly proportioned gears were meant to fit. So I decided to do this and while I managed to fit everything all together I accidentally broke 3 curls.

I contemplated talking to the lecturer about revising the cutout vector again but fell ill before the hand in and when I did approach him on my imperfect design he seemed to think it was fine the way it is. So I felt content with that assurance.

Final Laser Cut Model Picture

Project 2 Illustrator @.@

So after finally settling on a model to work with in the week before the semester break I had to immediately convert it into a vector laser cutout in illustrator. I soon found that this was easier said than done and during the 3 hour studio I fumbled around illustrator trying to desperately to create something to get into hand-in folder.

Trial Number 1
trial Number 2

Final Version
Revised Final Version

I printed the laser cutting sheet out, stuck it on cardboard and cut it out to see how the sizes worked:

Hey this is looking pretty good

It didnt turn out all that badly but I definitely underestimated the time I needed in learning how to use illustrator, and I realised the only mistake I did make was that I forgot scale up some slots  as copied and scaled down some of the cutout images. Which they seemed to be happy letting me fix by allowing me to send them another copy.

Project 2 Experimentation!

So after trying to find some inspiration on what I wanted to do, I started experimenting and these are the ideas I came up with, here are my results:

Experiment 1

Sketch 1

Experiment 2 - sketch wasn't scanned

Experiment 3 - Decided to go with this one

Sketch 3

Project 2 Inspiration

I really struggled to find anything that really gave me many ideas. I didn't really know what I was looking for and I was only really looking because they required some presedent images. Eventually I found a few vague ideas in these image:

All I really drew from these images was the idea of creating some type of bizaare spherical alien artifact, device or trinket, It kind of tied into my first project too.

In the end I decided to experiment with the original layers from the first Iteration and create my model with what I come up with those layers.

Project 2 Begins!

So After been given the brief on project 2. We found out that we had to find new inspiration to add to our Project 1 iterations and come up with something new for the laser cut models and at first I wasn't really sure how to start. This was simply due to the fact that I really liked my 3D Hero shot iteration and I found it difficult to try and come up with new stuff to add to it. I did know atleast that I wanted to make my model out of acrylic as I liked it over cardboard more for its aesthetics and rigid values.

Eventually I decided to start this project by trying to create my 3D model hero render in cardboard and see if it inspired any new ideas.

This was pretty simple to do, since the 3D model wasnt too different from the original layers I started off with with my first iteration. So it was a simple matter of organing them, printing them off, sticking them on cardboard and cutting them out.

After playing around with them for a bit I realised it would be a very difficult model to constuct out of either acrylic or cardboard as it would be very frustrating to perfectly bend it to the right state plus I wasn't sure how I would make the inner gear and ring work when they were seperated from each other.

At this point I dropped the idea of using my hero 3d image and decided to look for new inspiration instead.