
Thursday 16 June 2011

Project - 3 Summary

Here are my 2 images


Render for presentation:

Render I would like to submit:

Project 3 - Rendering

So I decided I would do the rendering in solidworks for a few reasons. 1st was that while I am getting better as using Solidworks I still feel very uncomfortable using 3DS Max and its rendering system. I also felt that since I have made a model that is a kinetic figurine, I feel a render that looks more realistic that comes from solidworks would suit my model more then what I can produce in 3DS Max which I feel I can only get results that look fairly abstract.

Here are the initial results:

I decided to go for the default background in solidworks and create a composition showing the various sides of the 3 models, attempting to make it look like a schematic or technical presentation of a the 3 mechanoids, here are the results:

(On the day of the presentation I could not upload these to blogspot and I had to present this instead):


Wednesday 15 June 2011

Project 3 - 2nd and 3rd 3D printing

Shown below are the results from the 2nd printing:

I felt alot happier with these results even if they weren't perfect they were a vast improvement from the previous attempt. I felt one more iteration would be enough to perfect the model so I continued to tweak it and came up with the most latest version:

I submitted this for 3D printing and here are the  results:


Project 3 - Revised models

So I started these revised models based off the current works I had created.
After another week of work this is what I produced:

Based off Model 1


Based off Model 2


Based off Model 3


I decided to continue with 'Model 3'.

Project 3 - First 3d printing

So here are the results from the 3D printing machine:

I felt very depressed after getting my model back and realising that made such a stupid mistake with it. What I had done was at the time when I created the models in solidworks I didnt keep the dimensions to briefs parameters (30x30x30) and I scaled them down later in 3DS MAX. At the time I was completely unaware that using this method of scaling had fused all the joints together and when I got the model back it ended up like this.

I also realised how boring the model looked - it pretty much looks like a box with legs. I learnt a lot this day and I decided I would revise all my models.

Project 3 - Initial Models

 So over the next week I started to work with solidworks to create this models, here are some of the results:

The final results:

Model 1
Model 2

Model 3
 I decided to go with "Model 3". I realised that these models were pretty simple looking but I plan to improve and refine them later after submitting  the most complex one to made by the 3d printing machine.

Project 3 - Sketching and Planning

So after finding some good images to base my models off from I started to plan mine out. The one thing I worried about most was chosing to do something to ambitious for my skill level so with this in mind I decided to make a mech that had atleast 4 legs that were going to be the kinetic part of my model. I choose 4 legs because it's far simpler to make quad legged mech then a humanoid type mech and it could be fitted inside the 30x30x30 dimensions easier. I also decided to save time by making 2 different types of legs and then use them in different but simple combinations with different mech bodies.

Here are the sketches:

Model 1 Ideas
Model 2 Ideas

Model 3 Ideas